Beard Services

Beards have become a very popular statement to the modern stylish man. Gone are the rugged, untidy dishevelled beards. In with the defined, shaped, tidy, beards with an added eye catching extension to the overall dapper look.

At Barber Signature we offer a range of beard services. Trimming, fading, colouring, shaping, straight razor clean shaves and re-designing beards to compliment different face shapes. Options added such as; mini facials, skin treatments, masks and hot towel. Help to ease any potential irritation associated with sensitive, oily, dry or acne prone skin types.


An absolute pampering and relaxing experience of a lifetime! For a smooth soft and clean feel. Hot towel and luxurious lather, softens the hair follicles and opens pores. Allowing a smooth and pleasant experience while utilising a straight razor. Followed by a relaxing facial massage with customised soothing cream matching your skin type, closing the pores calming the skin. End result is total relaxation, rejuvenated, invigorated.